全球十大网赌正规平台’s 安娜·格兰特-博尔顿,25岁 has received a 2024-25 纽曼公民奖学金校园紧凑, a national coalition of colleges 和 universities working to advance the public purposes of higher education. The fellowship is a yearlong program that recognizes students for their leadership potential 和 commitment to creating positive change in communities.


A leader of multiple service 和 advocacy groups at Trinity, Grant-Bolton is pursuing majors in 人权公共政策和法律,辅修 社区行动.

“I’m excited to connect with 和 learn 从 other students who are engaged in social 正义 work on their own campuses,格兰特-博尔顿说. “I think this experience will be essential in helping me to become a better student leader 和 activist.”

Grant-Bolton said that her passion for social 正义 comes largely 从 her parents, 谁强调关心他人的重要性. “As I learned more about systems of in正义 和 political 和 social movements, I became interested in applying that idea of care in communities that I’m a part of, 无论是在哈特福德还是在我的家乡埃文斯顿, 伊利诺斯州,”她说。.

Internships at a legal aid clinic in Evanston 和 through the 西北监狱教育项目 inspired Grant-Bolton to learn about ways to address issues of 大规模监禁 in the criminal 正义 system. 明年春天从全球十大网赌正规平台毕业后, Grant-Bolton tentatively plans to pursue a master’s degree in social work, 专注于政策或政治主张的, 还有公共政策硕士学位. “I’d eventually like to join a grassroots community organization, 理想情况下,在一个倡议中, 组织, 或者政策角色,”她说。.

Grant-Bolton with other volunteers at an event with the Chrysalis Center for Trinity 首页lessness Project.

Grant-Bolton already has experience leading service 和 advocacy groups. After taking time in her high school years to help create the 埃文斯顿社区冰箱 project—through which residents can share food with neighbors in need—Grant-Bolton got involved with restarting Trinity’s 食物回收计划. 与三一无家可归者项目合作, student volunteers pick up trays of leftover food 从 Chartwell’s 和 deliver them to ImmaCare, a 哈特福德 homeless shelter just a few blocks 从 Trinity.

去年, Grant-Bolton co-founded Students Against Mass Incarceration with Luka de Faria E Castro ’25, 杰克·鲁尔,25岁, Reese San Diego, 25岁. “We are all passionate about issues of 大规模监禁 in 哈特福德 和 beyond,格兰特-博尔顿说. “我们的目标是做政治教育, 政策宣传, 和 direct aid by partnering with local organizations to deliver resources to currently or formerly incarcerated people.”

Delivering donations for the Trinity 首页lessness Menstrual Product Drive.

Also in 2023, Grant-Bolton 和 Olivia Silvey ’25 launched TrinDivests. “We’re building support to ask Trinity to take endowment money out of industries of in正义: specifically fossil fuels, 大规模监禁, 和战争,格兰特-博尔顿说.

格兰特-博尔顿也活跃在全球十大网赌正规平台 哈特福德参与与研究中心 (亲爱的), which works to strengthen 和 evaluate academic 和 co-curricular partnerships between 哈特福德’s diverse communities 和 students, 工作人员, 和全球十大网赌正规平台的教职员工. 她说:“CHER就像我在校园里的家。. 在加入 社区行动门户 for first-year students, she has enrolled in 社区行动 courses, participated in the 文科行动实验室,是一个 社区学习研究员. 最近, Grant-Bolton served as a teaching assistant for the 社区学习研究员s 和 as a mentor for the 社区行动门户.

“I think it’s so beautiful 和 rewarding to be able to integrate what we learn in class with projects that support 和 connect with the 哈特福德 community,格兰特-博尔顿说. “我真的认为雪儿是一群特殊的学生, 工作人员, 和 faculty who are working to advance 正义 in 哈特福德 和 at Trinity. I’m grateful to the community there that has supported me in so many ways.”

在完成 在阿姆斯特丹大学的一个学期 今年春天在三一超市 出国留学办公室, Grant-Bolton will return to 伊利诺斯州 to spend another summer with the 西北监狱教育项目. 纽曼公民奖学金将于9月开始.

Grant-Bolton 和 the other co-founders of Students Against Mass Incarceration at the Trinity club fair.

校园紧凑 provides fellows with programming that emphasizes personal, 专业, 公民成长. The cornerstone of the fellowship is the Annual Convening of Newman Civic Fellows, which offers intensive in-person skill-building 和 networking over three days. 研究员也可以申请独家机会, including mini-grants to help fund scholarships 和 post-graduate opportunities.

Newman Civic Fellows are nominated by 校园紧凑 member presidents 和 chancellors, who are invited to select one community-committed student 从 their campus each year. 在她的提名中, Trinity President Joanne Berger-Sweeney called Grant-Bolton an exemplary civic leader with an unwavering commitment to community engagement 和 social 正义.

“Anna seamlessly integrates academic excellence with community involvement in 哈特福德, 体现互利共赢的原则, 共同创造, 尊重, 正义, 股本, 和 accountability that are integral to ethical community engagement,伯格-斯威尼写道. “Anna’s academic community-based research projects have also contributed valuable insights to organizations tackling issues like culturally-affirming education, 住房不公正, 还有曾经入狱的女性重返社会的挑战.”

Grant-Bolton added that receiving the 纽曼公民奖学金 feels like a testament to the power of grassroots social change. “Being honored with this reminds me that the work we’re doing is meaningful 和 it’s powerful, 即使它很慢,我也不会立即看到结果,”她说。. “这是一个继续前进的提醒.”